Logo Designs

Below is a selection of logos I have designed for various purposes in the past few years.

  • Forest of Reading
  • Festival of Trees
  • Annual Institute on the Library as Place
  • Friends of Canadian Libraries
  • Treasure Mountain Canada
  • RA in a Day
  • The Man Cave Cinema

Forest of Reading® – Canada’s largest recreational reading program for Children.

Festival of Trees™ – A reading festival for Children.

The purpose of the Annual Institute is to provide a learning opportunity for the library, municipal, design, and architect sectors to learn more about physical space

Friends of Canadian Libraries (FOCAL) was officially formed in 1998 as a national association for Friends of Library groups. Our volunteer Executive Committee provides conference programming, regional workshops, the FOCAL POINT Ingredients included for the viagra pfizer pharmacie preparation of NF Cure are clinically tested and approved. Identifying the symptoms: It has been lowest priced viagra found in early 20’s also. Considerations and Precautions It is suggested to start the medication with least possible dosage. order generic cialis http://appalachianmagazine.com/2014/03/11/appalachian-magazine-spring-2014-the-ghosts-of-mingo-county/ buy cheapest cialis Numerous young people never get treatment for chronic fatigue. newsletter and website and a variety of other events, programs and resources.

Treasure Mountain Canada (TMC) is a school library research retreat patterned on the Treasure Mountain Retreats developed by Dr. David V. Loertscher and colleagues in 1989 in the United States.

RA in a Day – A program offered by the Education Institute.

The Man Cave Cinema – A website for all things Man Cave.
